DIY Glow In The Dark Stars

DIY Glow In The Dark Stars

Things are plugging away over here. Thank you for all the kind words about Wylie, and our big news last week. We have our big home and pest inspection today, one of the last major hurdles before we can finally call ourselves homeowners. The boys are starting to get excited about moving, and are already talking about what they want in their new rooms.  Jasper has this cool idea to keep his room white, and paint his ceiling black, for a scatter of glow-in-the-dark stars. I'm totally down with this idea, and I thought we could make it a little more like an art piece and a fun project if we made our own stars with polymer clay.  You can purchase glow-in-the-dark oven bake clay and a set of star cookie cutters at the craft store.  I am using 3M command strips to attach to the ceiling to set them off the ceiling ever so slightly, to give the impression that they are floating in the sky.  Here's the simple tutorial.  

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What's Really Going On

What's Really Going On

I haven't been posting a lot lately, because we've been going through some stuff...good and bad.  For several months, my little guy, Wylie, has been complaining of headaches. Totally disturbing, right? We were forced to schedule an MRI, something that required him to be completely anesthetized, in order to find out if something was up with his brain. We had to take an early morning trip back to Oakland to have him put under for the scan.  It is not really all that fun watching your child with tubes up his nose, completely knocked out. The procedure went well, and much to our relief, about 10 minutes into our post-MRI ice cream party at Fenton's, his doctor called to tell us that the radiologist found no brain abnormalities. This doesn't explain the headaches, but I'll take it. As you can imagine, I've been operating at a high stress level. I got sick. Really sick. I'm still on really powerful antibiotics to treat a double ear infection brought on by a bad cold. I just haven't had the time to produce new project based content for Poppy Haus for the past few weeks, and I'm feeling a little melancholy about that.

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Fourteen Days Of Love: $100 Kidecals Giveaway

Fourteen Days Of Love: $100 Kidecals Giveaway

Don't we look cute in our glasses? If you happen have a little guy or gal in your life, then you know how they tend to misplace their things, usually right after you buy whatever it is, and "it" is usually some sort of expensive outerwear or fancy water bottle, Jasper Jennings I'm looking at you. I've taken to writing the boy's names in Sharpie across the care tag or on the bottom of a cup, which looks a little sad and eventually washes away right when it's needed most. There is a better solution, in the form of simple, tasteful decal labels from Kidecals. I met Kidecal's founder, Hilary Chandler last year while I was at Alt Summit and we've been planning some sort of collaboration ever since. I thought today would be the perfect time to introduce you to her product line, which also includes some things for you, like these woodgrain decals for your keyboard. Yes, please. 

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Kind Words

Kind Words

I'm a sucker for pretty concert posters and simple art prints.  They can add a little something to small spaces like a bathroom wall or a kid's room, and I'm totally smitten with this one. I think "Be The Good" is going to be our new family motto. It's from Children Inspire Design, a line of modern, eco-friendly wall art, wall cards, and posters printed on recycled papers using soy based inks.  I extra love this shop because they donate 10% of their sale proceeds to woman and child focused charities. I've run a business before, and 10% is a lot. 

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The West Wing

The West Wing

When we moved here, one year ago this week, the boys began to share a room and eventually took over the entire corridor off of our kitchen which includes a playroom and their own bathroom. I decided to move Wylie into a twin bed straight from the crib, and created a little bunk room for them so that their visiting cousins and future sleepover buddies could spend the night. With one year under our belt I hadn't totally finished putting together their sleeping quarters, and I've been feeling a little guilty about it, so this week I put on the finishing touches and moved a few things around to make it more complete. Here's the quick tour... 

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