Goodbye and Welcome

Goodbye and Welcome

Okay, I'm doing this.  First off, this is not really good-bye at all, it's just the end of the first act. For the past 3 years I have been burning my fingers with hot glue, camera hanging around my neck, cobbling together what is now an archive of over 450 posts, many of which capture my children in sweet, well-lit moments, growing older before my eyes. Poppy Haus was the project I created to help stay engaged with the outside world while getting them through their early years at home, a period of time for me to consider my next professional step. What began as Make-Do, a little blogspot journal, quickly grew into the Poppy Haus before you today. It's become so much more than I imagined it could ever be, and I've become more of a blogger than I ever originally intended, going to conferences, leveraging social media, working with brands. In the end, it's the writing, photography and working on composition, color, styling that are the true joys of my day. I will continue to do them, but this little spot on the interwebs is moving forward.  

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Hello, Friend

Hello, Friend

I've been thinking long and hard on how I want to write this post.  I'm back from another Alt Summit in frozen Salt Lake City. For those of you who don't write a blog, this is a conference like no other, designed specifically for creative/craft bloggers like myself. Topics range from "The Business Of Blogging", "Personal Branding", "Pinterest Strategies", and "Growing Your Community", and keynote speakers included Mr.Pinterest himself, Ben Silbermann. Last year I threw caution to the wind and I bought a ticket. I only knew one attendee, and I had no idea what it would be like other than that the dress code would be strictly awesome and I needed to have knock out business cards.  While I was there I spent a lot of time assessing how I fit into the big picture, feeling a little afraid that I would never really stand out, worrying a little that I might be medicore at the thing that I think I do best.  Have you ever felt like that before? I can have a lot of self-doubt. Those inspirational typography posters that say things like:

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Being Julia

Being Julia

As I can't imagine I will ever have a film crew in my home again, unless I win Publisher's Clearing House, if that's still a thing, I'm sharing some pictures from the day that Blurb came to Petaluma and taped an interview and cooking segment with me. It was a real life Julia Child moment. The video is part of a marketing piece for their recent Food Fair in San Francisco to promote their cookbook authors. I snapped a few photos in between filming...

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How I'm Slowly Growing My Blog

How I'm Slowly Growing My Blog

My strategy: Create and share unique, original content.

A little over two years ago I kind of stumbled.  I found myself living my days at home, with my very young children, and I began to feel the walls closing in on me. I couldn't really contribute much of my time to anything but childcare and house maintenance, something that I did because I really wanted to be home with my boys, but not because I felt all that satisfied by it; I think it's okay to admit that. I started writing this blog during nap time. Originally called "Make-Do", it was my creative outlet. I snapped warm, fuzzy pictures with Hipstamatic and wrote about my life, using projects and recipes as the take-away. It gave me something more to focus on, and a few of my friends read it, so I felt like I was connecting with the outside world a little more. I didn't have a plan for where it would go, because I didn't need one.

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It's All Around You

It's All Around You

Sometimes I need a little reminder.  Do you? I can be kind of a moody person, it runs in our family, I passed it on to one of my kids.  I try to harness my moodiness for good. I think it comes with being a little introverted, and creative. I try to acknowledge that I need time inside my own head, and sometimes I really need peace and quiet...and having a three year old now deeply engaged in his whining and tantrum phase sure isn't helping. So, I signed him up for a summer camp this week, and I'm taking care of business, getting happy, finishing the unfinished.  Look forward to another post from Jasper this week, and a new yummy recipe using stone fruit, and if all goes well, next week I'll have a new video post for you!

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