Finger Food

Finger Food

A while back, shortly after ALT, Blurb asked me if they could use my book as a marketing piece for their brand, because they really liked what I made, and I of course said yes. So I was pretty excited when they contacted me again, this time because they have decided to throw a party to showcase some of their favorite food books, and they want me to cook for some folks, and maybe even shoot a little video. Yes, I'm pretty excited.  I had to pick something from the book, which only has a small food section, and because it makes a great finger food, and it's pretty fun to look at I chose the sushi hand-balls AKA temarazushi from this post.  I'm working on making them a little more visually interesting for the table so it's what's for dinner around here right now.  Here' a freshened up tutorial. 

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Sometimes I am a glorified lunch lady. I feel for them, I really do. On most days, my 1st grader's sandwich returns home smashed back into it's container, mostly intact, baby carrots dried up, an apple with one bite out of it, pretzels crushed into a powder. I am told that there just wasn't enough time to eat it, but I know this cannot possibly true. I make a mean sandwich, I assure you... So I'm trying something new. Both of my boys love sushi, as do a lot of kids these days.  I've tried sending it for lunch in the past, but it gets pretty banged up and half of it comes home uneaten; I also get a little worried about raw fish in a lunchbox. So I was very excited when I found this recipe for hand ball sushi (Temarizushi) in a regional food magazine called Edible.  The golf ball sized rolls are packed tightly in plastic wrap, keeping them firm and easy to eat.  For Jasper's school version I used smoked salmon, avocado and nori squares (detail created with a hole punch) with sticky rice.  Both kids had the hand rolls today and I'm happy to report that the lunch box returned home empty. Quick tutorial below...

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