Clean Eating

Clean Eating

With school back in session for all of us, I am becoming a domestically disorganized mess. Once an expert grocery shopper and menu planner, I seem to have no time or energy to commit to a routine which makes for a lot of rotting produce, last minute burrito runs, and consequently too tight jeans. This will not do. I finally sat down and made a plan over the weekend and we now have a refrigerator full of groceries intended for meals, healthy dinner plans, and a schedule (practices, classes, late work nights). Part of my reinstated food-planning routine will involve clean eating. This sounds like a Whole Foods trend, and it kind of is, but I really love the concept which is basically eating whole, simple foods, using locally sourced produce, humanely raised lean meats, exercising a little portion control and drinking lots of water (something I am prone not to do).  A really easy way to make this eating style easy is to make a lot of whole grains, lentils and beans ahead of time.

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Home Boys

Home Boys

I am the mother of two boys and I am hell bent on making gentlemen out of them.  I want them to be good partners one day, which means they need an education in the domestic arts, including cooking, and I'm starting them young.  At two and a half Wylie can now crack and beat eggs and he's learning how to use a knife.  He's been practicing with a peeler and pumpkin carving tools (ideas I borrowed from his preschool). I try to include them in the kitchen as much as possible so that they observe my techniques. Given the opportunity, they really love to cook and often surprise me with their ideas. I've also found that they become more adventurous with their eating when they help out. I try to be very mindful when they are in the kitchen. I always turn pan handles toward the stove, keep sharp knives out of reach, and encourage lots of hand washing (boys are icky), but I give them enough space to make a mess and have fun. 

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Taco Tuesday

Taco Tuesday

When I was a senior at Davis, my gaggle of girls (and one boy) embarked on a poorly planned Spring break trip to Baja, Mexico.  I'm pretty sure our goal was to get tan and drink cheap margaritas.  We decided to camp on the beach (smart) and eat from roadside taco trucks.  It was at one such taco truck that I watched a lady prepare fish tacos from scratch.  When we got home, sunburned and broke, the recipe became one of my staples.  I made a spiffed up version this weekend with a mango relish, but the basic technique remains the same...

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Stocking Up

Stocking Up

I recently started making my own chicken stock.  I realized that I was going through at least 2 cardboard containers of stock a week, much more than that during the holidays. I don't love stock in a box, but it's convenient. Here's a simple, organic, inexpensive way to make and freeze your own so that you always have it on hand.

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Late Night Food

Late Night Food

Because of work, dinner has come late a few times this week and we haven't eaten together. It happens. Last night I fed the kids their favorite meal of canned split pea soup and buttered tortillas (yes, weird, but they love it) and we finally got cooking around 8:30pm.  This meal is so satisfying and easy to make, and again super nutritious.  It happens to be vegan, but just think of it as burgers and fries. 

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