About A Girl

About A Girl

I'm not the kind of girl who wears a lot of jewelry.  My earlobes are so sensitive that I can't really wear earrings very often, and I find accessorizing to be so challenging that I usually just buy clothes with interesting prints and collars to avoid having to style myself.  On occasion I do rock a big bib necklace, but that's only for fancy dress, so I was pretty excited when I found Martha Stewart's tutorial for making a more casual version from wooden beads.  Her DIY employed all sorts of tools and wire, so I modified mine using only beads (1/2") and embroidery thread (that string art project is the gift that keeps on giving).  I love the bit of red that peeks out between the wood grain. Here's the link to her original tutorial, I followed a very similar pattern.

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Martha Martha Martha

Martha Martha Martha

It's no secret that the woman who inspired many of the bloggers in my niche to start writing and sharing their recipes and DIY's is of course Martha Stewart.  She's the high priestess of domesticity.  I have had a subscription to Living since forever and I usually make something from each issue.  This past month she featured a recipe for one pan pasta that we immediately tested out, and I can already tell it'll be a mainstay in our house, with some variations. It only takes about 20 minutes to prepare from start to finish, so it's a winner for parents. I'm sharing this today, because I'm going to be testing some other Martha recipes and DIY's this week, making them my own by switching up ingredients and materials.  For this first one, I thought I'd give a few suggestions to make this dish more hearty, and how to change up the flavors. 

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Iron Maiden

Iron Maiden

I've had a subscription MS Living since I was in my early 20's, which I know is not cool, but I've learned how to do grown up  things from the expert and it earned me the moniker "Martha Jr." Watch out, I'm coming for you lady. This month she has a spread on skillet meals.  I like the one pot idea and I love our perfectly seasoned cast iron skillet, which was found at the Alameda Flea Market. I decided to set my whole week up with recipes from this article and a few from our own kitchen.  We kicked it off last night with a deep dish pizza, but tonight has turned into a dinner that will unofficially celebrate the night before Jasper's first day of Kindergarten with some of his favorite things, I'll feature that skillet recipe below.

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