No Kid Hungry

I'm going to put down my scissors and take a break from all the quinoa and paper lanterns today, because I want to share some important information with you about the No Kid Hungry Campaign. September is a call to action month for childhood hunger. I didn't know this until very recently, but 1 in 5 children in United States is food insecure. 20 percent. It kind of blows my mind to think that is even possible in the United States. Here's a short video about why there are so many hungry kids, with information on what you can do to really help remedy this problem. It's not about donating money. I watched the video and then I signed a pledge to take reasonable, targeted action to change things. Mother Teresa said "If you can't feed one hundred people, then feed just one" and that seems pretty doable. Check it out and see what you think. If you are with me, click here to sign the pledge and take some small action to get the ball rolling. When you sign up, Jeff Bridges sends you a personal thank you video, and who doesn't want The Dude to tell them how great they are for helping to eradicate childhood hunger?