Muppet of a Man

We threw our final bash in Oakland this weekend with a Muppet Movie Night to celebrate Jasper's 6th birthday and to say our farewells to our friends and neighbors.  I invited his entire  Kindergarten class and his teacher so it was a full, albeit empty house.  The kids enjoyed Oakland's finest, Lanesplitter pizza, cherries, frozen grapes, and lemonade out on the deck, followed by a chocolate Muppet cake and red velvet woopie pies. I set up some play space for the younger guests including a Swedish Chef kitchen. We managed to get about half of them to sit down and watch "THE MUPPETS" projected onto our living room wall, the other half, including the the birthday boy spent the remainder of the party playing out back in our hilly yard of trees and rocks.  I had to apply several band aids and Jasper got a half dozen mosquito bites, but everyone had a great time.  The favors were little sacks of red licorice sealed with Kid Made Modern multicolored tape; on the back of the sacks I stuck an address label for our new house in Petaluma and encouraged the kids to send him a letter this summer. 

We leave town on Friday! This morning we took our final trip to our Farmer's Market and picked up a bounty of early summer produce.  Since my glue gun is packed, this week I will write up my favorite recipes featuring summer squash, corn, fresh peas and padrone peppers.