The January Home

It's January. I know this because the frozen air and my somber post- holiday mood is leaving me with the overwhelming desire to strip my house naked like a tree without leaves.  I love empty space.  I love simple, natural elements. I love air plants, and succulents, and leafy stems, and barnacle covered stones. I made a winter terrarium with them this week. I rinsed the barnacles with cold water and shook the moisture off, then put them on a wooden cheese pedestal with air plants- the moisture from the rocks keeps them hydrated- and covered them with a glass dome.  The air plants look like sea plants to me, and the whole thing looks decayed, and frozen.

January is also the time of year when I tend to contemplate what comes next for me...I'm wrapping up my design stint with Anthropologie this week, getting ready for my trip to frozen Salt Lake City for Alt Summit at the end of the month, and my interior design courses resume next week. I'm not sure if I'll pick up a new internship, and what that might mean for Poppy Haus. I did take a little time away from blogging during December to sit with it and relax with my family. I do know this, I'm excited to have some more freedom to make and share, and I'm ready to get back to it with more regularity and a renewed feeling of creativity. xo, Heather